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Company Establishment and Financial Advisory


Setting up a Company and Financial Consultancy for Foreign Citizens

'Turkey's Foreign Direct Investment Law No. 4875 is based on the principle of equal treatment and allows international investors to have the same rights and obligations as local investors.


Accordingly, international investors can establish all types of companies specified in the Turkish Commercial Code (TTK).'

Establishment Procedures of Joint Stock, Limited, Collective, Commandite and Cooperative Companies

   The establishment of a company in Turkey by foreign real and legal persons is subject to the same rules as domestic investors.


During the establishment phase, the title of the company, the scope of its field of activity, its headquarters, who will be the manager and representative, capital and shares and management are determined.


Afterwards, an articles of association should be prepared in accordance with the regulations of the legislation on joint stock, limited, collective, limited and cooperative companies.


  • The articles of association are prepared by the partners or their proxies in the Central Registry System (“MERSİS”) and sent to the approval of the relevant trade registry manager, an appointment is made for the establishment procedures with the application number defined by MERSIS.

  • Other necessary documents are prepared and they are present at the relevant registry office on the date and time of the appointment. Considering that the documents issued outside of Turkey have an apostille equivalence agreement with the country where the relevant document is issued; If this equivalence is found, the apostille annotation must be obtained and approved by the consulate or notary public.

  • Otherwise, the relevant documents must be issued by a Turkish sworn translator at Turkish consulates abroad.

  • 0.04% of the company's capital as “Competition Authority Share”, to the bank account of this institution; In joint stock companies, 25 percent of the shares committed in cash must be deposited into a bank account opened in the name of the company.

  • Upon the application of the founders or persons authorized by proxy to the registry office with the relevant documents, the trade registry office completes the registration process.

  • In addition, in the establishment of joint stock and limited companies and cooperatives, the commercial books they will keep are certified by the trade registry directorate.

  • The company acquires legal personality upon registration with the trade registry. Afterwards, a work permit is required for foreign partners and officials who want to operate their company by residing in Turkey.

Minimalist Merdiven

Stages of Establishment For a Legal Corporation.

Meeting with the client and duly preparation of the company's articles of association

Sending the minutes and articles of association via MERSIS

Arrangement and notarization of documents

Company obtaining a potential tax number

Depositing a certain part of the capital to the Competition Authority bank account

Depositing and documenting a certain part of the capital in the company bank account

Application to the Trade Registry Office for registration procedures

Certification of some legal books related to the company

Requesting a company establishment statement from the tax office

Arrangement of signature circular

Transferring some company-related documents to the e-TUYS system

'In addition to carrying out standard procedures during your service period, we also follow the constantly changing investor incentives offered by the government for you; We offer the opportunity to benefit from all incentives from A to Z related to all possible taxation and payment facilities.'


What are the Incentives Provided to Foreign Investors?

These incentives and supports are regulated by different laws and regulations.


The most known of them are;

1.       Decision on State Aids in Investments numbered 2012/3305 published in the Official Gazette dated 06.2012 and numbered 28328,

2.     Communiqué on the Implementation of the Decision on State Aids in Investments numbered 2012/1,

3.     Decision on Granting Project-Based State Aid to Investments numbered 2016/9495, published in the Official Gazette dated 11.2016 and numbered 29900,

4.     Decision on Supporting Investments within the Scope of Attraction Centers Program No. 2018/11201,

5.     Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691

In addition to the investment incentive system, project-based investment incentive applications, attraction centers and technology development zones applications and incentives and supports provided by these applications, VAT exemption, customs duty exemption, tax reduction and R&D incentive are some of the conveniences provided to foreign investors. .  

'You Are Safe With A Global'

   In summary; foreign persons can establish all companies in Turkey, on an equal basis with domestic investors, as permitted by Turkish legislation.


Company establishment processes require a technical and comprehensive study.


For this reason, we would be pleased to support you in order to obtain healthier results and to prevent all possible problems during and after the installation process.

We establish your company in the fastest and easiest way with our professional staff, and then we provide the accounting service that is mandatory for all legal companies.

It provides 24/7 support to you not only in establishing a company, but also in all legal procedures after the establishment of the company;


   We stand by you so that you will not have any difficulties in achieving your goals with the principle of full transparency and absolute honesty throughout your company ownership in Turkey.

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