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Work and Residence Permits in Turkey for Foreign Citizens


   There are strict rules applied by the Ministry of Labor with very detailed procedures to foreign nationals who want to work in Turkey.


We provide end-to-end service and guidance with our expert team to companies that have staff or that need staff in Turkey.

The Ministry requests some documents belonging to both the company and the foreign employee candidate.


After the documents are sent and submitted to the Ministry with the authorization assigned through the online system (or by hand to speed up the process), the work permit application is evaluated.

Company Documents to be Delivered:

  • Corporate Tax Return,

  • Trade Registry Gazette,

  • Operating certificate,

  • Tax Board,

  • "No SSI Debt" letter from SGK,

  • Letters of "No Tax Obligation" to be obtained from the Tax Office can also be requested.

Candidate Employee Documents to be Delivered

  • Employment contract signed with the current date (must be clearly stated as monthly salary XXXX Turkish Lira / monthly gross, and signatures must be put in blue pen)

  • Passport (Turkish translation and notarized copy)

  • Diploma (Turkish translation and notarized copy of the diploma)

  • Photo (passport scan)


How to get a Residence Permit For Foreign Citizens in Turkey?

Foreigners who come to Turkey can stay up to 90 days without obtaining a residence permit. However, foreigners who want to stay longer than this period must obtain a residence permit according to their purpose of stay.


We provide you with services such as;

Consulting you on determining what type of residence permit foreigners will get when obtaining a residence permit in Turkey, arranging the documents required for this residence permit, collecting their records from official institutions, making electronic appointments from the power administration directorate, making foreign health insurances, completing the documents without any problems and submitting them to the Immigration Administration.


Who can apply for a Short-Term Residence Permit?


For this purpose, foreigners who apply for a residence permit must obtain a permit from the relevant institutions or organizations (Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Energy, universities, etc.) subject to scientific research, if scientific research is subject to permission; If it is not subject to permission, they are requested to submit a statement regarding the research subject.

2-Foreigners who have immovable property in Turkey;

In case foreigners who own immovables request a residence permit, the immovable must be a residence and used for this purpose.


In addition, family members can apply for a residence permit in this context if they have a shared or joint ownership right on the house.  

3- Foreigners who will establish a commercial connection or business;

If foreigners who decide on establishing a commercial connection or business, requests a residence permit for more than three months, an invitation letter or similar documents may be requested from the persons or companies that the foreigner will contact.

4-Foreigners who will participate in the in-service training program;

Residence permits issued for this purpose are issued during the program based on the information and documents on the content, duration and location of the training provided by the institution or organization that will provide in-service training.

5- Treaties to which the Republic of Turkey is a party or foreigners who will come for educational or similar purposes within the framework of student exchange programs;

For this purpose, foreigners who apply for a residence permit are requested to submit the information and documents to be obtained from the relevant institution.


The duration of residence permit cannot exceed the duration of education or similar purpose.


Students coming within the scope of student exchange programs (Erasmus, Mevlana, Farabi etc.); Health insurance is not required from those who make a request to become a general health insurance holder within three months from the first registration date.


However, those who lose their right to be covered by general health insurance by not making an application within three months from the date of registration are required to take out private health insurance.


For this purpose, the statement of foreigners who apply for a residence permit regarding their travel plans (where, when and how long they will stay in the country) is evaluated. If deemed necessary, he may be asked to submit information or documents.

7- Foreigners who will be treated provided that they do not have one of the diseases considered as a threat to public health;


For this purpose, admission to public or private hospitals is sought for foreigners who come to Turkey. Health insurance is not required for those who certify that they have paid all treatment costs. 


Residence permits are issued in accordance with the duration of treatment. A valid health insurance condition is not sought for foreigners whose accommodation, subsistence or health-related expenses are covered by the relevant public institutions and organizations during the course of medication period, upon the determination of financial means. 


When necessary, information or documents regarding the treatment of the foreigner may be requested from the relevant hospital or public institution.

Within the scope of the existing Health Cooperation agreements, the residence permit procedures of the foreigners who come to our country for treatment purposes (if there is no separate provision in the agreement regarding the companions) are carried out according to the general provisions. 


In addition, according to the Additional Article 14 of the Health Services Basic Law No. 3359, a valid health insurance condition is not sought for the residence permit applications of the foreigners who come to our country with a maximum of two persons.

8- Foreigners who are required to stay in Turkey depending on the requests or decisions of the judicial or administrative authorities;

The duration of the residence permit to be issued for this purpose is determined by considering the period specified in the decision or request.

9- Foreigners who will be transferred to a short-term residence permit in case they lose the family residence permit conditions.

10-Foreigners who will attend Turkish learning courses;

For this purpose, it can be given to a foreigner who requests a residence permit and registers with the institution authorized to offer Turkish courses (must be authorized by the Ministry of National Education).


If the duration of the course is less than one year, the duration of the residence permit cannot exceed the duration of the course. The institution providing the course is obliged to inform the provincial directorate of the start and attendance status of the foreigner who has registered for the purpose of learning Turkish.

11- Foreigners who will participate in education, research, internship and courses in Turkey through public institutions;

The residence permit period issued for this purpose cannot exceed one year. A valid health insurance condition is not sought for foreigners whose accommodation, subsistence or health-related expenses are covered by the relevant public institutions. Information and documents may be requested from institutions.

12-Foreigners who have completed their higher education in Turkey and applied within six months from the date of graduation;

​For this purpose, foreigners who apply for a residence permit may be granted a residence permit for a maximum of one year, for once, if they apply within six months from the date of graduation.​​

​​13- Those who do not work in Turkey, but will invest in the scope and amount to be determined by the Council of Ministers​ and their foreign spouse, minor or dependent foreign child of himself and his spouse;

​For this purpose, a residence permit can be issued for a maximum of five years for foreigners who apply for a residence permit. With this amendment brought by the International Labor Law No. 6735 to Law No. 6458, it is aimed to encourage qualified foreigners who will contribute to the country's economy and to facilitate residence permit procedures for foreigners.

​14-Foreigners who are citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,​ For this purpose, a residence permit can be issued for a maximum of five years for foreigners who apply for a residence permit.


How Many Years Can a Short-Term Residence Permit Be Issued?


Short-term residence permit can be issued for a maximum of two years each time, with the exception of foreigners ranked 13th and 14th above.​​​ 


What are the Short-Term Residence Permit Conditions? In order for a short-term residence permit to be issued, foreigners must meet the conditions set forth in Article 32 of the Law.

- Submitting supporting information and documents related to the purpose of stay in Turkey,

​- Not to be covered by Article 7 of the aforementioned Law,

​​- To have accommodation conditions in accordance with general health and safety standards,

​​- If requested, to submit a document showing the criminal record issued by the competent authorities of the country of citizenship or legal residence,

​​- To give the address information to stay in Turkey.

​​What are the reasons for Rejection, Cancellation or Non-Extension of a Short-Term Residence Permit?

​- One or more of the conditions sought for a short-term residence permit are not fulfilled or disappeared,

- It is determined that the residence permit is used for purposes other than the one for which it was issued,

- Existence of a valid deportation or entry ban decision,

- In case of violation in terms of the duration of stay abroad, a short-term residence permit is not granted, it is canceled if it is granted, and the expired ones are not extended.

Image by Erik Karits
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