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Image by Paul Teysen

 Import & Export Consultancy

                                                                   Our Import Consultancy Services

With our experience in the sector as A Global, we reach to the most suitable products at the most optimum prices due to our strong communication link with manufacturers located in various centers of the world.


Regardless of the market where the importing companies are located, the product they want to supply is supplied under the most suitable conditions.

All country regulations at the time of supply  and the entire business plan is created by us in a transparent manner, taking into account the necessary import procedures.

Research about the products you plan to import from abroad, finding manufacturers and suppliers, fulfilling the necessary procedures for import, organizing transportation, customs clearance and all other necessary procedures are meticulously carried out by us.

At the same time, to reach the manufacturers all over Turkey, As A Global, we are with you to shape the export scheme, to provide distributorship and dealership agreements, to prepare the contracts to be made with the supplier and to fulfill the legal procedures completely.

With A GLOBAL, you can securely manage your import and exporting processes from A to Z.

Product Market Research-Manufacturer/Supplier Finding

Thanks to A Global's 14 years of foreign trade experience and network, we find the product you are looking for at the most affordable price. 


We bring you together with the manufacturer and ensure that the whole process runs transparently, separately from high costs and unreal expenses; We make it possible for a smooth trade between the buyer and the seller to take place in a controlled and smooth manner.

Customs & Logistics Transactions

We manage the processes of properly transporting the products to the buyer, insuring them, issuing the documents appropriately for customs clearance, and we carefully evaluate all the options required to maximize your earnings and report them to you.

Expert Support

Work with people who have the technical and technological infrastructure required by complex customs clearance and procedures to grow your business, thanks to third-party independent and authorized customs consultancy with the qualifications determined by A Global!

Security and Risk Management

Choose A Global so that your product supply and trade operations are carried out in a way that does not allow any margin of error!


While making sure that your customs clearance and declarations are correct, also do not risk your safety and budget by avoiding inflated service fees and common legal declaration mistakes!

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